10:30 PST (UTC-8), 9 March 2025
17:30 UTC, 9 March 2025
Columbia A (ccNSO)
ID# 16401
Session DetailsThe SSAC members will give a series of 15-20 minute lightning talks (presentations) on a security, stability and resiliency topic of interest. Lightning talks are concise presentations relating to a variety of topics of interest to the SSAC. Lightning talks are followed by a quick question and answer period. The goal is to encourage a fast-paced exchange of ideas and insights.
- SSAC Engagement with ICANN org Finance & Planning Team
- Recursive Resolvers and Nameservers (Geoff Huston)
- Data Needs and Feeds For Fighting DNS Abuse (Raffaele Sommese)
- Registration, Detection, and Deregistration: Analyzing DNS Abuse for Phishing Attacks (Kyungchan Lim)
Session Leader: Danielle Rutherford
Staff Facilitator: Kathy Schnitt
Session RecordingsZoom ArchiveEnglish audio archive