Please log in to your previous account or sign-up for a new account on sched.com. Registration for ICANN82 does not automatically create a user account on sched.com. (Learn how to use Sched.com and personalize your schedule or export the entire event schedule.)
  • ICANN82 Community Forum will be held in Seattle, Washington, United States at the Hyatt Regency Seattle from 8-13 March 2025. 
  • This will be a hybrid meeting with both in-person and virtual participation.
  • All sessions will be conducted during regular working hours in Seattle, WA, United States of America (Pacific Standard Time, PST / UTC -8). [Note: Seattle changes to daylight saving time (Pacific Daylight Saving Time, PDT / UTC -7) on Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 2:00 am local time]
  • Prep Week will be conducted on 24-26 February, 2025. The Prep Week schedule will be published on 3 February, 2025.
  • The comprehensive schedule will be published on 17 February, 2025.
For more event information please visit the meeting website.
To register for ICANN82, visit: https://events.icann.org/icann82/registration

All participants are expected to conduct themselves on a professional level and will be held to the standards set forth in the ICANN Community Anti-Harassment Policy and Terms of Participation and Complaint Procedure and the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior.

Monday, February 24

12:30 PST

Tuesday, February 25

10:00 PST

Saturday, March 8

10:30 PST

13:15 PST

Sunday, March 9

10:30 PDT

13:15 PDT

15:00 PDT

16:30 PDT

Monday, March 10

15:00 PDT

17:30 PDT

Tuesday, March 11

09:00 PDT

10:30 PDT

13:15 PDT

15:00 PDT

Wednesday, March 12

09:00 PDT

10:30 PDT

13:15 PDT

Thursday, March 13

10:30 PDT

13:15 PDT

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