16:30 PST (UTC-8), 12 March 2025
23:30 UTC, 12 March 2025
Elwah B (GNSO)
ID# 16387
Session DetailsThe Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) is a new and free service developed to provide a more consistent and standardized format for handling requests to access nonpublic registration data related to generic top-level domains (gTLDs). This two-year pilot program which launched in November 2023 is a proof-of-concept initiative for individuals and entities with a legitimate interest in nonpublic registration data. It was developed with community input and implemented at the direction of the ICANN Board to help inform policy decisions related to a System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD). RDRS usage metric reports are published monthly and provide system usage and demand data as requested by the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council. In this session the RDRS SC will continue its work on the final findings report on the RDRS.
Agenda wiki page:
https://community.icann.org/x/G4AzGg GNSO Policy Briefing:
https://go.icann.org/gnsobriefing Session Leader: Caitlin Tubergen
Staff Facilitator: Terri Agnew
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