15:00 PST (UTC-8), 11 March 2025
22:00 UTC, 11 March 2025
Regency A (At-Large)
ID# 16504
Session DetailsThe ALAC Open House is a new forum to address topics of interest to the ALAC. This will become a recurring session at the ICANN PUblic meetings. Please find the latest items on the agenda.Agenda:
https://community.icann.org/x/CoAzHQ Session Leader: Heidi Ullrich
Staff Facilitator: Gisella Gruber
Participation LinksTo help reduce session disruptions, please do not share Zoom participation links on social media. However, we encourage you to share YouTube livestream links (when available) on social media.
To ensure transparency of participation in ICANN’s multistakeholder model, please remember to sign in to Zoom sessions using your full name (e.g. First Name + Last Name/Surname).
Zoom participation links will be published here 24 hours before the session starts.
Interpretation Service• Languages Available:
English, Français, Español