16:30 PDT (UTC-7), 8 March 2025
00:30 UTC, 9 March 2025
ID# 16330
Session DetailsThis is a meeting of the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council's Standing Committee on Continuous Improvement (SCCI). The SCCI is in charge of continuous improvement related projects that are focused on the GNSO’s structural, procedural, and process improvements to the Policy Development Process (PDP). The SCCI and its dedicated Task Forces (TFs), populated by the Councilors and representatives of each Stakeholder Group (SG) and Constituency (C), will execute a continuous improvement program that aims to improve the GNSO’s process and procedures over time through gradual changes. The goal is to achieve measurable improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness, performance, outcomes, accountability, transparency, and other indicators of quality for the GNSO. Notably, this work affects the GNSO community more broadly and is not limited to that of the Council. Considering that this is a permanent standing committee, the specific scope of work across the varying projects that the SCCI and TFs will execute is not overly prescribed within the charter, as to avoid frequent edits and subsequent approvals.
Agenda wiki page:
https://community.icann.org/x/BoAzGw GNSO Policy Briefing:
https://go.icann.org/gnsobriefing Session Leader: Julie Hedlund
Staff Facilitator: Terri Agnew
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Zoom participation links will be published here 24 hours before the session starts.
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