13:15 PST (UTC-8), 12 March 2025
20:15 UTC, 12 March 2025
Elwah B (GNSO)
ID# 16385
Session DetailsThe GNSO Council, the body responsible for managing the policy development process for generic top-level domains (gTLDs), meets on a monthly basis to discuss and address issues that affect the GNSO community. In this public Council session, time has been allocated for community members to provide their input on the topics under discussion with the Council.
https://community.icann.org/x/ewByG Motions:
https://community.icann.org/x/NgBbGQ Documents:
https://community.icann.org/x/IABbGQ GNSO Policy Briefing:
https://go.icann.org/gnsobriefing Session Leader: Steve Chan
Staff Facilitator: Terri Agnew
Participation LinksTo help reduce session disruptions, please do not share Zoom participation links on social media. However, we encourage you to share YouTube livestream links (when available) on social media.
To ensure transparency of participation in ICANN’s multistakeholder model, please remember to sign in to Zoom sessions using your full name (e.g. First Name + Last Name/Surname).
Zoom participation links will be published here 24 hours before the session starts.
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